Counting Clouds
Saurabh Pandey
age group: 
0-3 yrs
Number of pages: 
monsoon concept book clouds
picture book

A fun book that teaches not just numbers but also imparts useful information that “Clouds bring rain!”

One little cloud is floating in the sky and soon there are nine others all joining in the fun. Written in verse, children will love each quirky little situation.

In some places however, the verse seems a bit contrived and awkward, but all in all they make for an soothing happy read. The illustrations too add to the charm of the book. The clouds look appropriately fluffy, cuddly and cute.

A great book to read aloud to kids, especially when dark clouds loom up in the sky and rain comes down pitter-patter down below to earth, to the utter delight of little kids.

Reviewed by Sunanda Sharma