Monkey Photo
Gita Wolf
Swarna Chitrakar
age group: 
3+ yrs
Number of pages: 
Tara Books
Patua art humour folk art animals
picture book, fantasy


Like so many of the new Indian picture books for children, `Monkey Photo’ is beautifully illustrated. The vivid colours and bold figures of the Patua style of folk art make this book stand out immediately.

Sadly, however, the text is unable to live up to the sumptuous illustrations. The story tells us about a monkey who lives in a jungle frequented by tourists. Fed up of being photographed, he snags a camera and swings around the jungle, clicking all manner of pictures. So he aims at smiling tigers, flamboyant peacocks and irate lions. Then finally he organizes a little photo exhibition for his friends.

While littler children will enjoy identifying the various animals, older children will find this story a bit flat.

Reviewed by Shabnam Minwalla