Illustrated by: Durga Bai
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Tara Books

An Indian version of the well-known Grimms' tale - the Musicians of Bremen

Illustrated by: Uma Krishnaswamy
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Karadi Tales

Two stories from the evergreen Jataka tales that teach valuable lessons

Illustrated by: Wen Hsu
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Katha

An out of work artist would rather starve than see his cat broken hearted.

Illustrated by: Sayantan Halder
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Puffin

Granny needs a new pair of glasses but living in the remote mountainous regions makes getting them quite an adventure

Illustrated by:
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Unicorn Books

Tales from the Wild is an important addition to the meagre collection we have here on environment and conservation.

Illustrated by:
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Hachette

Twelve stories written by an extraordinary writer about the lives of very ordinary people.

Illustrated by: Proiti Roy
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

A simple yet delightful tale woven around the festival of Eid, Ismat, the shoemaker, buys a pair of trousers for himself for Eid that is four fingers too long.

Illustrated by: Anahita Taymourian
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Katha

A crow who loves to sing enters a competition to live his dream.

By: Noni
Illustrated by: Ruchi Shah
Age group: 3+ yrs
Publisher: Pratham Books

the book teaches children to be patient and tolerant

Illustrated by: Ashwin Chikerur
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

Pintoo and the Giant is a spin on a common fairytale.